Swim Spas & Exercise Pools
Swim Spas are an ideal solution for those who want to do swimming & exercise in a swimming pool every day and also enjoy the massage and relaxation of a hot tub.
Swim spas are covered by a thick insulating cover and lined with polyurethane insulation, this means the running costs compared to a swimming pool are much lower.

Our Swimstream range feature swim spas that are a combination of a hot tub and a pool that has an unturbulent water stream at one end for creating a current. We’ve developed ours with the help of professional swimmers and we’ve created a clean, unturbulent water stream in each swim spa, making them ideal for exercise sessions and perfect for teaching children to swim in.

Swim Spas
Waterstream has the largest range of swim spas on the market to choose from and each of our models provides customers with the swim current technology that simulates a full size swimming pool, so you can enjoy the full physical benefits of a swim without the need for you to have a large space for a conventional sized pool, or pay the maintenance costs that swimming pools demand.

Power Swim
If you are looking for a swim spa to give you lots of power, then take a look at out Powerswim Range. They benefit from being extra deep and designed just for swimming only. If you are looking for a swim spa that is for swimming only this is the range for you.

Exercise Pools
You can enjoy a healthy low-impact, aerobic exercise session in your pool to improve your cardiovascular fitness, then relax afterward in the hot tub, massaging tired muscles and inducing a good night’s sleep.

Request Your Swim Spa Brochure
Full colour brochures of our ranges, full price lists,
special promotional offer information, option for a free home survey.